A great story by Henrik Kniberg for all of us wondering how organizations becomes Agile. You will not find recipes, golden rules… just a real project for Swedish police and learning items.
Key takeaways
- Agile/Scrum/Kanban is just a direction. Find your path, find what fits your team. Experiment with the process.
- Physical Kanban board over digital In the beginning things change often. It’s easy to do it on a wall, it’s difficult to change things in Jira
- Testing is not only testers responsibility The whole team is responsible for the final quality.
- Know high level goal Make sure your team understands it. Put it on a wall.
- Ready for development Define when devs can start coding and when a feature is considered as ready for test.
- Run process improvement workshops Involve people and let them decide what needs to be improved.
- Use Lean A3 cause-effect diagram when you want to explain a problem to others. Find a root-case.
- Collect process metrics There is no golden rule. Story points are great, but not always.
- Avoid buzzwords Be flexible, rename things as your team wishes. Ex. stand-ups - daily coctail party :)
- Many, many more
- Lean from the Trenches: https://pragprog.com/book/hklean/lean-from-the-trenches
- First version (blog post): https://www.crisp.se/file-uploads/Lean-from-the-trenches.pdf
- Cause-Effect diagram: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1405468&seqNum=2